The Key To Staying Sane While Working From Home

staying sane while working at home

Are you struggling with working from home? I totally get it. When I first started working from home it was a struggle, to say the least. Two of the major things I had difficulty with were (1) feeling isolated and (2) feeling like my life was turned upside down. Coping with this was a process, but I slowly figured out ways to overcome these challenges and I want to share them with you. Because I know many of you are […]

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15 Healthy Gluten Free Desserts + Store Bought Options!

My family has been quarantined for almost a month and we are starting to get a bit stir-crazy. Since we have plenty of time at home and my daughter has a huge sweet tooth, I finally tried out some of the gluten free desserts I have saved to my Pinterest board! When I make desserts I choose recipes that don’t go overboard with sugar. I love desserts that are sweetened mainly with fruit and natural sweeteners like maple syrup or […]

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Short on Time? Try a HIIT Workout At Home [13 to Try Today]

woman doing hiit workout at home

Do you want a great workout, but don’t have a lot of time to exercise? Then a HIIT workout at home is a great option! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may sound intimidating at first, but it’s simply a workout where you perform a cardio move for a short amount of time (usually 30 to 60 seconds). Then you rest and repeat. The key is to push yourself as hard as you can during the cardio moves to get the most […]

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5 Ways to Make Budgeting Fun

5 Ways to Make Budgeting Fun

Guest post by Dani Schultz, Co-Founder of Bucks & Dough. She is all about helping you live an all-around wealthy life.   Budgets are cool and can be fun to both create and stick to. You don’t have to dread staying on a budget. Budgets are not a punishment; they are in place to help you be creative, money-conscious and help you create more wealth! First off, if you have never created a budget before, I recommend you first track […]

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