Remember Why You Started – Adventures in Decluttering and Organizing

In my a previous post, Want to Reach Your Goals? Here’s How, I discussed motivation theory and why it is so important to know WHY you want to achieve a goal and how knowing your WHY will help you make intentional choices that will lead to achieving your goal. If you haven’t read that post […]
Want to Reach Your Goals? Remember Why You Started.

Think about how many times you have been excited about making a change, accomplishing a goal, or creating a habit. Then a week or two later (or may a couple days later) you have either forgotten all about it. Or maybe even worse, you feel guilty because you remember it, but have done nothing to […]
Top 10 Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Dinner Recipe Roundup

My mission with today’s dinner recipe roundup post is to share amazingly delicious, easy to make gluten-free and dairy-free dinner recipes that you will LOVE and will add to your weekly meal planning. I have been eating gluten-free and dairy-free for about five years now and I am always on the search for yummy recipes […]
Roasted Dijon Chicken with Apples and Fall Vegetables

I love fall vegetables. And I love easy to make recipes! This is a super easy roasted dijon chicken and fall vegetables recipe that is great for dinner or for meal prep for the week. This roasted dijon chicken recipe features my favorite vegetables: sweet potatoes, red onion, and Brussel sprouts. You could easily switch […]