Proven Ways To Improve Your Child’s Sleep Hygiene

When your child goes to bed does it take forever for them to fall asleep? Or do they fall asleep quickly, but wake up at 2 am wide awake and asking to play? If this describes your child, then you are definitely not alone. Many kids do not have a sleep hygiene routine that can […]
The 7 Greatest Hacks to Relieve Muscle Soreness

Recovery to relieve muscle soreness is an essential part of any workout routine. Recovery may not be as exciting as your workouts, but what you do post-workout can have a huge impact on your overall fitness, progress, and results. Put simply, your muscles can only do so much for you, especially if you don’t allow […]
5 Body Positive Fitness Goals to Inspire You

In my previous post, Ditch the Scale, I shared five reasons to get rid of the scale for good. However, if you are like me, then you may be asking how to stay motivated to eat well and exercise without the weekly weigh-in. In this post, I would love to share a few positive fitness […]
Ditch The Scale: Your Body and Mind Will Thank You

My relationship with the scale may be similar to yours. I hate to call it a relationship, but for a long time I would have daily or weekly emotional meetings with the scale. So, I would say we were pretty connected. For years I had a goal weight in my head. I thought that when […]
Thrive Market Review: And Favorite Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Finds

Thrive Market is one of my go-to shops for healthy snacks and pantry staples. I follow a gluten-free and dairy-free diet and Thrive Market makes it effortless to find foods that fit my dietary needs. This article contains my complete Thrive Market Review, and answers the question, “is it worth the cost of membership?) (note: […]
10 Little-Known Gluten Intolerance Symptoms That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Gluten-free may sound like a fad diet. However, the truth is that many people would benefit from removing gluten from their diets. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, more than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten. A few of these diseases include irritable bowel disease, arthritis, and almost all autoimmune diseases. The […]
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Resources

After sharing My Experience with Hashimoto’s, I started thinking about how overwhelming Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can be. From diagnosis to treatment, there are so many decisions to be made. Without the right resources this can cause some to feel hopeless about their ability to feel better. When I received a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s in 2015 I […]
My Experience with Hashimoto’s Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

I have been on a bit of a hiatus due to work, family, and life in general. Thankfully, the school year is coming to an end. I am excited to finally wrap up my school psychology job and get back to writing. A topic that I have been wanting to write about is Hashimoto’s symptoms, […]
Spirulina Benefits: Nature’s Superfood Supplement

I have been adding spirulina powder to my morning protein shake for about a year now. After I heard about how it can boost energy and protect overall health I had to try it and now I’m hooked. Spirulina truly is nature’s superfood supplement. In this post, I’d love to share information about spirulina benefits, […]
Easy Ways to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

“Have you had your fat today?” This is probably not something you’re used to hearing, but believe it or not, just as you need enough protein, veggies, and other vital nutrients, healthy fats are an essential part of an overall healthy diet. Fortunately, the misconceptions about fat are being debunked. The truth is that fat […]