Are You Thriving or Surviving?

Choose to thrive

It’s amazing how one phrase or question can have a major influence on the direction of your life. For me it was Shane Raitoshi Stevens, 5th Degree Black Belt, asking the question, “Are you thriving or surviving?” He asks this question as a casual greeting each time I see him at my daughter’s To-Shin Do class. When he first said this to me I was already questioning whether to stay at my job that was making me feel unhappy, unfulfilled, […]

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Tons of Goodness Keto/Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

Cookie Dough Fat Bomb Recipe

As I mentioned in my previous post, Keto Fat Bombs and Our Family Business, after hundreds of recipe attempts I developed three paleo and keto friendly fat bomb recipes that I loved and wanted to share. This post is all about Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites are a pure blend of slightly sweet chewy almond cookie batter with a satisfying crunch from raw cocoa nibs. The cocoa nibs have a deep dark chocolate flavor and […]

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Keto Fat Bombs and Our Family Business

The idea of starting a food business came to me during the summer of 2016.  I was just starting to follow a ketogenic diet and noticed that there were really no convenient snacks that I could buy that would fit what I was looking for (a yummy snack with no preservatives, dairy, or gluten and was low carb/high fat). So, I started making my own fat bombs following recipes on Pinterest and then began to create my own. After extensive […]

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