5 Ways to Make Budgeting Fun

Guest post by Dani Schultz, Co-Founder of Bucks & Dough. She is all about helping you live an all-around wealthy life. Budgets are cool and can be fun to both create and stick to. You don’t have to dread staying on a budget. Budgets are not a punishment; they are in place to help […]
eShakti Review: Customizable Dresses with Pockets!

Can’t find a dress that fits? Or maybe you find a dress you like, but the neckline, sleeve, or length isn’t the way you like it? If you said yes, then I guarantee you will love eShakti! Trying on dresses is one of my least favorite things until I discovered eShakti.com. I like their dresses […]
Resources and Tips to Help Families During the Coronavirus Outbreak

I’m writing this on the first day of our school closure in Ohio due to the coronavirus outbreak. When I heard the news that Governor Mike DeWine announced that all private and public schools are mandated to shut down for 3-weeks starting on March 16th I was pretty shocked. I knew it was likely to […]
My Son Cries When His Dad Holds Him: What Should We Do?

I am honored to have the opportunity to partner with Mamas Uncut. This article is part of a series of answers to common parenting challenges from their community members. This post was originally shared on Mamas Uncut. My son cries when his dad holds him: What should we do? A Mamas Uncut Community Member asks, […]
My Friend’s Four-Year-Old Refuses to Potty Train: Advice?

I am honored to have the opportunity to partner with Mamas Uncut. This article is part of a series of answers to common parenting challenges from their community members. This article was originally shared on Mamas Uncut. My friend’s 4-year-old refuses to potty train: Advice? A Mamas Uncut Community Member asks, “I have a friend […]
How Can I Help Calm My Son Who Has ADHD?

I am honored to have the opportunity to partner with Mamas Uncut. Their mission is to provide expert advice to questions asked by real moms like you! In addition to answers to your parenting questions, they feature product reviews, entertainment news and much more! This article is part of a series of answers to common […]
5 Steps to Mental Health Awareness at Work

Guest Post by Dr. Valeria (Lo Iacono) Symonds. Valeria provides training for Mindfulness in the Workplace. She has taught the social sciences at the University of Bath (UK) and Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK). In recent years we have moved forward enormously when it comes to better understanding mental health in the workplace. I think a […]
Smart Solutions to Your Child’s Sleep Difficulties

Sleep difficulties are the worst. At the end of a long day the last thing you want to do is battle your child at bedtime. I always pictured myself gently tucking in my daughter at night and then quietly closing the door as she drifts off to sleep. This is far from reality. We have […]
Have Fun at Mealtime with Noshi Food Paint

When I first saw Noshi Food Paint on Instagram what caught my attention was their fun packaging and that playful little mascot on the Noshi logo. Initially, I was thinking, oh great, another company trying to advertise sugary toppings for kids. But this is definitely not the case with Noshi Food Paint. Noshi Food Paint […]
Remember Why You Started – Adventures in Decluttering and Organizing

In my a previous post, Want to Reach Your Goals? Here’s How, I discussed motivation theory and why it is so important to know WHY you want to achieve a goal and how knowing your WHY will help you make intentional choices that will lead to achieving your goal. If you haven’t read that post […]