10 ROUNDS by Beachbody on Demand: Review and Tracking Sheets

10 Rounds is Beachbody’s first-ever boxing and lifting program. Today I’m sharing all the details of the program along with tracking sheets! I know what you’re thinking. This a grueling workout that I’m going to try to talk you into. You’re going to sweat and cry and hate it so much you’ll want your money […]

The Best Workout Shoes for Women [For Every Workout]

woman tossing workout shoe in air

Buying a new pair of workout shoes is a great way to stay motivated and stick with your exercise plan. I just started a new program, so I decided that my reward for completing this will be new shoes. I’m planning ahead for my win and rounding up the best workout shoes for women. This […]

Why You Need a Gym Mirror & Top Picks from Amazon

woman doing kettle bell exercise in front of gym mirror

When you walk into a commercial gym or studio you’ll notice that there is at least one mirror on the wall. And there are so many reasons that your home gym should have a mirror too! Let’s dive into why this is a must-have for any home gym and how to choose one that’s best […]

Muscle Burns Fat Workout Review and Tips [#mbf review]

Muscle Burns Fat (#mba) is a three-week weightlifting and cardio workout program. It is a challenging and effective workout that will help you to get strong and healthy. Today I’m sharing my Muscle Burns Fat workout review along with tips for how to get the most out of this program. Let’s get started! What is […]

Why Walking for Exercise is Worth Your Time

Walking is one of the best things we can do to improve our overall health, yet somehow it’s not always seen as “real” exercise. Maybe it’s because you don’t get as sweaty as you do during your cardio sessions? Or maybe because there is no workout equipment required? Whatever the reason, what we do know […]

Is it True that Muscle Burns Fat? Myths vs. Facts

woman with muscles sketched behind her

There is a lot of misinformation out there about exercise and fitness. People regularly take advice from outside resources, whether from friends and family or from people trying to sell us workout programs. And some of these myths can affect the way you exercise. Here’s the deal… I just started the new Beachbody program called […]

New! 21 Day Fix EXTREME Real Time Printable Tracking Sheets, Instant Download

21 day fix extreme real time tracking sheets

These are printable tracking sheets for use with Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix EXTREME Real Time.  *Tons of Goodness, LLC is not affiliated with Beachbody. This program has a different 30-minute workout every day that progresses week to week. There are also two bonus core workouts a week! This at-home workout program will help you head […]

25 Fitness Motivation Quotes to Inspire You

woman resting against wall and smiling after running

These 25 motivational quotes are great for those days when you don’t feel like working out.  There are plenty of distractions and excuses to keep you from exercising. And some days it feels difficult to take that first step. So, what I like to do is workout in the morning so I begin my day […]

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